Entering June 2020, Journal Prajaiswara of BPSDM Jambi Province come to visit readers with a number written works in the form of articles compiled by the autor from widyaiswara of BPSDM Jambi Province. Journal Prajaiswara volume 1 number 1 June 2020 was compiled amidest the busynees of the Journal Prajaiwara team preparing electronic journal aplication (OJS) as material to fulfill the accreditation requitments for publishing base on the mandate of PERKA LIPI 2014, concerning guidelines for accreditation of scienticif periodic publishing which states that the proposed acreditation after march 31, 2016 must be an electronic journal. Starting from the above, in 2020 Journal Prajaiswara was published in print (ISSN : 2722-6352). The Purpose of publishing this journal is to publish research result and convey ideas from the author and provide benefits, espesially in supporting the development of state civil apparaturs resources in line with bureaucratic reform that are being implemented.

In 2022, the Jurnal Prajaiswara uses the Open Journal System (OJS) with an ISSN: 2809-6991(online)

Starting from volume 3, number 2 December 2022, which will be published in April, August, and December based on SK ISSN LIPI: 0005.28096991/K.4/SK.ISSN/2022.01, and using the new template.